Going Home: a picture is worth 1000 words

Monday, November 30, 2009

Photo Storyboard

Picture 1: Katie and George walk in. George (boss) explains to Katie (generic worker #7) that the next person who goes to his office gets a promotion.

Picture 2: Katie tells Tony (a worker) the news about the free promotions.

Picture 3: Tony attempts to kill Chun (another worker) so he can get the promotion instead.

Picture 4: An action-packed fight sequence erupts. (Tony accidentally hit Chun in the head with his sword, which is why he is leaning out of the picture. It was kind of funny in a twisted "pain-is-funny-when-your-not-the-one-being-hurt" way).

Picture 5: Fight sequence continues.

Picture 6: Tony falls to the ground. Enter BOSS, dazed and confused.

Picture 7: George, AKA Boss-man, yells at his employee's and orders them to knock off their shenanigans.

Picture 8: George helps Tony up.

Picture 9: Tony asks George if promotions are still available. George says "NO!", angerly. He explains that Generic Worker #7 already got the promotion, and tells them to get out.

Picture 10: Tony and Chun exit disappointed.


Tony Timbol said...

For a duo fighting to the death, we look rather happy. lol.