I picked this topic because I think it is totally bogus.
Boys have been favored all throughout history. Now girls are finally taking that spotlight. They are using the excuse of lower intelligence and higher dropout rate to take what we've faught for away from us.
I'm sure many females share my vew, but his is a battle of the sexes, which makes it controversial.
Dinosaurs are awesome and I wanted to know how they were wiped out.
'm sort of inbetween two points. While toxic algea may have killed of some dinosaurs, i still think other things wiped them out too. One astreriod wasn't going to do the whole deal, so i thin k other things may have happened, weather it be an ice age or algea.
This topic is controversial because there are no dinosaurs around now to ask how they died.
I picked this topic because even though I failed bio, I still find evolution interesting.
I think that it is possible that 'Ida' could be the missing link connected dirrectly to humans.
This topic is so contriversial because the topic or evolution is so controversial already. Scientists may always believe that a missing link is still waiting to be found.
I chose this topic because I can barely remember what i wore last week, never mind what it was like in my moms womb. The fact that studies show that fetus's have memory isn't the controversial bit. The controversial part is abortion after knowing the fetus is alive and has a memory and a heart beat. Personally, I am for abortion because to me, the fetus isn't considered a part of a community, or an actual person, until it is born. This is so controversial because maybe people have different opinions on when a fetus, or a baby, is considered a person. They feel that killing something inside of you is as bad as murder outside of the body.
Going Home: a picture is worth 1000 words

Friday, January 22, 2010
Contriversial Science of 2009
Posted by Alexa at 8:28 AM
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